Google Cloud Functions serverless deployments
This tutorial will get you started with Harness Continuous Delivery (CD). We will guide you through deploying new Google Cloud Functions to Google Cloud using a Harness CD pipeline.
Harness CD pipelines help you to orchestrate and automate your Google Cloud Function deployments and push updated functions to Google Cloud.
Pipelines allow extensive control over how you want to progress functions through various dev/test/stage/prod environments while running a variety of scans and tests to ensure your quality and stability standards.
Before you begin
Verify that you have the following:
- Obtain GitHub personal access token with the repo scope. See the GitHub documentation on creating a personal access token.
- A Kubernetes cluster. Use your own Kubernetes cluster or we recommend using K3D for installing a Harness Delegate.
- Check Delegate system requirements.
- Install the Docker in order to install the Docker delegate.
- Fork the harnesscd-example-apps repository through the GitHub website.
- For details on Forking a GitHub repository, go to GitHub docs for more information on forking a GitHub repository.
- ** Google Cloud Function and Google Cloud Storage permissions**. Harness supports Google Cloud Functions 1st gen and 2nd gen. There are minor differences in the permissions required by each generation. For a detailed breakdown, go to Access control with IAM from Google.
Google Cloud Function Support
Cloud Functions offers two product versions: Cloud Functions 1st gen, the original version, and Cloud Functions 2nd gen, a new version built on Cloud Run and Eventarc to provide an enhanced feature set. Harness supports deploying Google Functions 1st gen and 2nd gen.
To get more information on Google Functions 1st gen and 2nd gen, go to Cloud Functions version comparison.
We suggest opting for Cloud Functions 2nd gen whenever feasible for new functions, as it offers a range of additional features. For more information, go to New in Cloud Functions(2nd Gen).
Cloud Functions Limitations
- For Google Cloud Functions 2nd gen, Harness does not support Google Cloud Source Repository at this time. Only Google Cloud Storage is supported.
- For Google Cloud Functions 1st gen, Harness supports both Google Cloud Storage and Google Cloud Source.
Steps to perform on Google Cloud
- Make sure your Google Cloud account credentials have the required permissions for Google Cloud Function and Google Cloud Storage, as mentioned above.
- Download the for 1st gen and for 2nd gen files from GitHub.
- Log into the Google Cloud console and create a Google Cloud Storage bucket. For details, go to Create a new bucket.
- Once the bucket is created, select UPLOAD FILES and upload the file for 1st gen or for 2nd gen.
- 2nd Gen
- 1st Gen
Getting Started with Harness CD
- Log into Harness.
- Select Projects, and then select Default Project.
For the pipeline to run successfully, please follow the remaining steps as they are, including the naming conventions.
What is the Harness Delegate?
- Under Project Setup, select Delegates.
- Select Delegates.
- Select New Delegate.
- Select Docker. For this tutorial, let's explore how to install a delegate using Docker.
- In the command provided,
are auto-populated values that you can obtain from the delegate installation wizard. - Replace DELEGATE_TOKEN in the command with the token from the wizard.
docker run -dit --cpus=1 --memory=2g \
-e DELEGATE_NAME=docker-delegate \
-e NEXT_GEN="true" \
-e MANAGER_HOST_AND_PORT= harness/delegate:23.05.79310- Select Verify to verify that the delegate is installed successfully and can connect to the Harness Manager.
- Select Delegates.
You can also follow the Install Harness Delegate on Kubernetes or Docker steps to install the delegate using the Harness Terraform Provider or a Kubernetes manifest.
What are Harness secrets?
- Under Project Setup, select Secrets.
- Select New Secret, and then select Text.
- Enter the secret name
. - For the secret value, paste the GitHub personal access token you saved earlier.
- Select Save.
- Under Project Setup, select Secrets.
- Select New Secret, and then select File.
- Enter the secret name
. - For the secret value, upload the Google Cloud's account service key file for your service account, which you can download from your GCP project.
- Select Save.
- UI
What are connectors?
- Create the GitHub connector.
- Copy the contents of github-connector.yml.
- In your Harness project in the Harness Manager, under Project Setup, select Connectors.
- Select Create via YAML Builder and paste the copied YAML.
- Assuming you have already forked the harnesscd-example-apps repository mentioned earlier, replace
with your GitHub account username in the YAML. - In
, verify that the project identifier is correct. You can see the Id in the browser URL (afteraccount
). If it is incorrect, the Harness YAML editor will suggest the correct Id. - Select Save Changes and verify that the new connector named harness_gitconnector is successfully created.
- Finally, select Connection Test under Connectivity Status to ensure the connection is successful.
- Create the GCP connector.
- Copy the contents of gcp-connector.yml.
- In your Harness project, under Project Setup, select Connectors.
- Select Create via YAML Builder and and paste the copied YAML.
- Select Save Changes and verify that the new connector named gcpconnector is successfully created.
- Finally, select Connection Test under Connectivity Status to verify the connection is successful.
What are Harness environments?
- In your Harness project, select Environments.
- Select New Environment, and then select YAML.
- Copy the contents of environment.yml, paste it into the YAML editor, and select Save.
- In your new environment, select the Infrastructure Definitions tab.
- Select Infrastructure Definition, and then select YAML.
- Copy the contents of infrastructure-definition.yml and paste it into the YAML editor.
- Replace
with your GCP project name. - Replace
with your GCP region name. - Select Save and verify that the environment and infrastructure definition are created successfully.
What are Harness services?
- In your Harness project, select Services.
- Select New Service.
- Enter the name
. - Select Save, and then YAML (on the Configuration tab).
- Select Edit YAML, copy the contents of service.yml, and paste the into the YAML editor.
- Replace
with your GCP project name. - Replace
with your GCP bucket name. - Select Save, and verify that the service hello_http is successfully created.
What are Harness pipelines?
- In your Harness project, select Pipelines.
- Select Create a Pipeline.
- Enter the name
. - Select Inline to store the pipeline in Harness.
- Select Start.
- In Pipeline Studio, select YAML.
- Select Edit YAML and choose any of the following execution strategies. Paste the respective YAML based on your selection.
- Canary
- Blue Green
- Basic
What are Canary deployments?
- Copy the contents of canary-pipeline.yml.
- In your Harness pipeline YAML editor, paste the YAML.
- Select Save. You can switch to the Visual editor and confirm the pipeline stage and execution steps as shown below.

What are Blue Green deployments?
Copy the contents of bluegreen-pipeline.yml.
In your Harness pipeline YAML editor, paste the YAML.
Select Save.
You can switch to the Visual pipeline editor and confirm the pipeline stage and execution steps as shown below.

What are Basic deployments?
Copy the contents of basic-pipeline.yml.
In your Harness pipeline YAML editor, paste the YAML.
Select Save.
You can switch to the Visual pipeline editor and confirm the pipeline stage and execution steps as shown below.
- Download and configure the Harness CLI.
- MacOS
- Linux
- Windows
curl -LO
tar -xvf harness-v0.0.25-Preview-darwin-amd64.tar.gz
export PATH="$(pwd):$PATH"
echo 'export PATH="'$(pwd)':$PATH"' >> ~/.bash_profile
source ~/.bash_profile
harness --version
curl -LO
tar -xvf harness-v0.0.25-Preview-linux-arm64.tar.gz
curl -LO
tar -xvf harness-v0.0.25-Preview-linux-amd64.tar.gz
a. Open Windows Powershell and run the command below to download the Harness CLI.
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri -OutFile ./
b. Extract the downloaded zip file and change the directory to extracted file location.
c. Follow the steps below to make it accessible via terminal.
$currentPath = Get-Location
[Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("PATH", "$env:PATH;$currentPath", [EnvironmentVariableTarget]::Machine)
d. Restart terminal.
Clone the Forked harnesscd-example-apps repo and change directory.
git clone
cd harnesscd-example-appsnoteReplace
with your GitHub account name. -
Log into Harness from the CLI.
harness login --api-key --account-id HARNESS_API_TOKEN
with Harness API token that you obtained during the prerequisite section of this tutorial.
What are connectors?
- Create the GitHub connector.
- In
, verify that the project identifier is correct. You can see the Id in the browser URL (afteraccount
). If it is incorrect, the Harness YAML editor will suggest the correct Id. - Now create the GitHub connector using the following CLI command:
harness connector --file "/google_cloud_function/github-connector.yml" apply
- In
- Create the GCP connector.
- In
, verify that the project identifier is correct. You can see the Id in the browser URL (afteraccount
). If it is incorrect, the Harness YAML editor will suggest the correct Id. - Now create the AWS Connector using the following CLI command:
harness connector --file "/google_cloud_function/gcp-connector.yml" apply
- In
What are Harness environments?
Use the following CLI command to create Environments in your Harness project:
harness environment --file "/google_cloud_function/environment.yml" apply
In your new environment, add an Infrastructure Definitions using the following CLI command:
harness infrastructure --file "/google_cloud_function/infrastructure-definition.yml" apply
What are Harness services?
Use the following CLI command to create Services in your Harness project.
harness service -file "/google_cloud_function/2nd_gen/service.yml" apply
What are Harness pipelines?
- Canary
- Blue Green
- Basic
What are Canary deployments?
- Enter this CLI command to create a canary deployment using the example YAML file:
harness pipeline --file "/google_cloud_function/2nd_gen/canary-pipeline.yml" apply
- In Harness, you can switch to the Visual editor and confirm the pipeline stage and execution steps as shown below.

What are Blue Green deployments?
- Enter this CLI command to create a blue green deployment using the example YAML file:
harness pipeline --file "/google_cloud_function/2nd_gen/bluegreen-pipeline.yml" apply
- You can switch to the Visual pipeline editor and confirm the pipeline stage and execution steps as shown below.

What are Basic deployments?
Enter this CLI command to create a basic deployment using the example YAML file:
harness pipeline --file "/google_cloud_function/2nd_gen/basic-pipeline.yml" apply
You can switch to the Visual pipeline editor and confirm the pipeline stage and execution steps as shown below.
Finally, it's time to execute your pipeline.
- Select Run, and then select Run Pipeline to initiate the deployment.
- Observe the execution logs as Harness deploys the function.
- After a successful execution, you can check the deployment on your Google Cloud Function console.
You've just learned how to use Harness CD to deploy a Google Cloud Function to Google Cloud.
Keep learning about Harness CD. For example, add Triggers to your pipeline that initiate pipeline deployments in response to Git events.
Getting Started with Harness CD
- Log into Harness.
- Select Projects, and then select Default Project
For the pipeline to run successfully, please follow the remaining steps as they are, including the naming conventions.
What is the Harness Delegate?
Under Project Setup, select Delegates.
Select Delegates.
Select New Delegate.
For this tutorial, let's explore how to install a delegate using Docker.
In the command provided,
are auto-populated values that you can obtain from the delegate installation wizard. -
Replace DELEGATE_TOKEN in the command with the token from the wizard.
docker run -dit --cpus=1 --memory=2g \
-e DELEGATE_NAME=docker-delegate \
-e NEXT_GEN="true" \
-e MANAGER_HOST_AND_PORT=MANAGER_ENDPOINT harness/delegate:23.05.79310- Select Verify to verify that the delegate is installed successfully and can connect to the Harness Manager.
- Select Verify to verify that the delegate is installed successfully and can connect to the Harness Manager.
You can also follow the Install Harness Delegate on Kubernetes or Docker steps to install the delegate using the Harness Terraform Provider or a Kubernetes manifest.
What are Harness secrets?
- Under Project Setup, select Secrets.
- Select New Secret, and then select Text.
- Enter the secret name
. - For the secret value, paste the GitHub personal access token you saved earlier.
- Select Save.
- Under Project Setup, select Secrets.
- Select New Secret, and then select File.
- Enter the secret name
. - For the secret value, upload the Google Cloud's account service key file for your service account, which you can download from your GCP project.
- Select Save.
- UI
What are connectors?
- Create the GitHub connector.
- Copy the contents of github-connector.yml
- In your Harness project in the Harness Manager, under Project Setup, select Connectors.
- Select Create via YAML Builder and paste the copied YAML.
- Assuming you have already forked the harnesscd-example-apps repository mentioned earlier, replace GITHUB_USERNAME with your GitHub account username in the YAML.
- In
, verify that the project identifier is correct. You can see the Id in the browser URL (afteraccount
). If it is incorrect, the Harness YAML editor will suggest the correct Id. - Select Save Changes and verify that the new connector named harness_gitconnector is successfully created.
- Finally, select Connection Test under Connectivity Status to ensure the connection is successful.
- Create the GCP connector.
- Copy the contents of gcp-connector.yml.
- In your Harness project, under Project Setup, select Connectors.
- Select Create via YAML Builder and and paste the copied YAML.
- Select Save Changes and verify that the new connector named gcpconnector is successfully created.
- Finally, select Connection Test under Connectivity Status to verify the connection is successful.
What are Harness environments?
- In your Harness project, select Environments.
- Select New Environment, and then select YAML.
- Copy the contents of environment.yml, paste it into the YAML editor, and select Save.
- In your new environment, select the Infrastructure Definitions tab.
- Select Infrastructure Definition, and then select YAML.
- Copy the contents of infrastructure-definition.yml and paste it into the YAML editor.
- Replace
with your GCP project name. - Replace
with your GCP region name. - Select Save and verify that the environment and infrastructure definition are created successfully.
What are Harness services?
- In your Harness project, select Services.
- Select New Service.
- Enter the name
. - Select Save, and then YAML (on the Configuration tab).
- Select Edit YAML, copy the contents of service.yml, and paste the into the YAML editor.
- Replace
with your GCP project name. - Replace
with your GCP bucket name. - Select Save, and verify that the service hello_world is successfully created.
What are Harness pipelines?
- In your Harness project, select Pipelines.
- Select Create a Pipeline.
- Enter the name
. - Select Inline to store the pipeline in Harness.
- Select Start.
- In Pipeline Studio, select YAML.
- Select Edit YAML and Paste the below Rolling deployment YAML.
What are Basic deployments?
Copy the contents of basic-pipeline.yml.
In your Harness pipeline YAML editor, paste the YAML.
Select Save.
You can switch to the Visual pipeline editor and confirm the pipeline stage and execution steps as shown below.

- Download and Configure Harness CLI.
- MacOS
- Linux
- Windows
curl -LO
tar -xvf harness-v0.0.25-Preview-darwin-amd64.tar.gz
export PATH="$(pwd):$PATH"
echo 'export PATH="'$(pwd)':$PATH"' >> ~/.bash_profile
source ~/.bash_profile
harness --version
curl -LO
tar -xvf harness-v0.0.25-Preview-linux-arm64.tar.gz
curl -LO
tar -xvf harness-v0.0.25-Preview-linux-amd64.tar.gz
a. Open Windows Powershell and run the command below to download the Harness CLI.
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri -OutFile ./
b. Extract the downloaded zip file and change directory to extracted file location.
c. Follow the steps below to make it accessible via terminal.
$currentPath = Get-Location
[Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("PATH", "$env:PATH;$currentPath", [EnvironmentVariableTarget]::Machine)
d. Restart terminal.
Clone the Forked harnesscd-example-apps repo and change directory.
git clone
cd harnesscd-example-appsnoteReplace
with your GitHub Account name. -
Log in to Harness from the CLI.
harness login --api-key --account-id HARNESS_API_TOKEN
with Harness API Token that you obtained during the prerequisite section of this tutorial.
What are connectors?
- Create the GitHub connector.
- In
, verify that the project identifier is correct. You can see the Id in the browser URL (afteraccount
). If it is incorrect, the Harness YAML editor will suggest the correct Id. - Now create the GitHub connector using the following CLI command:
harness connector --file "/google_cloud_function/github-connector.yml" apply
- In
- Create the GCP connector.
- In
, verify that the project identifier is correct. You can see the Id in the browser URL (afteraccount
). If it is incorrect, the Harness YAML editor will suggest the correct Id. - Now create the AWS Connector using the following CLI command:
harness connector --file "/google_cloud_function/gcp-connector.yml" apply
- In
What are Harness environments?
Use the following CLI Command to create Environments in your Harness project:
harness environment --file "/google_cloud_function/environment.yml" apply
In your new environment, add Infrastructure Definitions using the following CLI command:
harness infrastructure --file "/google_cloud_function/infrastructure-definition.yml" apply
What are Harness services?
Use the following CLI command to create Services in your Harness Project.
harness service -file "/google_cloud_function/1st_gen/service.yml" apply
What are Basic deployments?
CLI Command for basic deployment:
harness pipeline --file "/google_cloud_function/1st_gen/basic-pipeline.yml" apply
You can switch to the Visual pipeline editor and confirm the pipeline stage and execution steps as shown below.
Finally, it's time to execute your pipeline.
- Select Run, and then select Run Pipeline to initiate the deployment.
- Observe the execution logs as Harness deploys the workload and checks for steady state.
- After a successful execution, you can check the deployment on your Google Cloud Function console.
You've just learned how to use Harness CD to deploy an application using a Google Cloud Functions gen 1 to Google Cloud.
Keep learning about Harness GitOps. Create a GitOps ApplicationSet and PR Pipeline in Harness GitOps by following this guide.